45B, Alagesan Nagar, Chengalp[attu, (Opposite Government Hospital)

+91 9994772957 / +91 8754028915


Pregnancy Care

Receiving quality treatment is crucial before, during, and after your pregnancy. It can maintain your health and the health of your infant. The greatest approach to guarantee that your child has a head start on a healthy life is to do this.

Good prenatal care includes good nutrition and health habits before and during pregnancy. Ideally, you should talk with your health care provider before you start trying to become pregnant. Here are some things you will need to do:

Choose a provider:
You will want to choose a provider for your pregnancy and childbirth. This provider will provide prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum services.

Take folic acid supplements:
If you are pregnant or want to become pregnant, you should take a daily supplement containing at least 600 micrograms (0.6 mg) of folic acid. Folic acid supplementation lowers the chance of developing some birth abnormalities. More than 600 micrograms (0.6 mg) of folic acid are often present in prenatal vitamins per capsule or tablet.

You ought to:

  • Any medications you take should be discussed with your doctor. Over-the-counter medications are included in this. Only use medications that your doctor has approved for use during pregnancy.
  • Limit caffeine intake and abstain from all recreational drug and alcohol usage.
  • If you smoke, give it up.

Go for prenatal visits and tests: You will see your provider many times during your pregnancy for prenatal care. The number of visits and types of exams you receive will change, depending on where you are in your pregnancy:

  • First trimester care
  • Second trimester care
  • Third trimester care
  • Talk with your provider about the different tests you may receive during your pregnancy. These tests can help your provider see how your baby is developing and if there are any problems with your pregnancy.

These tests may include:
  • Ultrasound tests to see how your baby is growing and help establish a due date
  • Glucose tests to check for gestational diabetes
  • Blood test to check for normal fetal DNA in your blood
  • Fetal echocardiography to check the baby's heart
  • Amniocentesis to check for birth defects and genetic problems
  • Nuchal translucency test (vaginal ultrasound) to check for problems with the baby's genes
  • Tests to check for sexually transmitted disease
  • Blood type testing such as Rh and ABO
  • Blood tests for anemia
  • Blood tests to follow any chronic illness you had before becoming pregnant