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Pregnancy Guide

This information is for you if you are pregnant or intend to get pregnant!

In addition to being a beautiful event, having a baby may also be a period of uncertainty. As they adjust to all the changes that pregnancy brings, many parents have queries and worries. It might be challenging to decide who to listen to when advice is offered by everyone. It is crucial to get proper information because of this. Making wise choices about how to care for yourself prior to, during, and after your pregnancy will be made easier with this information.

Important Information

Consume a range of nutritious foods every day.
Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein-rich foods are all essential components of a balanced pregnancy diet that both you and your unborn child will benefit from. When eating meals or snacks, try to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables. Pick foods with minimal to no additional sugar, sodium, or saturated fat. Speak with your healthcare physician if nausea or vomiting prevents you from eating a range of foods.

Instead of saturated fat, choose foods containing beneficial fats.
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in foods including nuts, seeds, fatty seafood, and vegetable oils. When you are pregnant, you require more omega-3 fatty acids to support the development of the brain and tissues of your unborn child.

Choose mercury-free fish.
Eat a variety of fish and abide by Health Canada's recommendations to reduce your exposure to fish mercury. For any advice about local fish, check with your municipal, provincial, or territorial authorities.

Make water your preferred beverage.
Water is essential to consume in large quantities while pregnant. Water keeps you cool, transports nutrients to your body and the developing baby, removes waste from you and the baby, prevents constipation, and reduces swelling. Carrying a reusable water container will make choosing water simple. White milk and fortified plant-based beverages without added sugar are other healthy beverage options.

Exercise caution when using caffeine.
Several consume coffee when pregnant. Small doses of caffeine are secure. Aim to consume no more than 300 mg of caffeine per day, which is equal to two 8-oz (237 mL) cups of coffee. Your daily intake should include caffeine from all sources because it can also be found in other beverages and chocolate. This includes cola beverages, chocolate, and herbs like guarana and yerba mate, as well as coffee, tea (including black, oolong, white, and green tea), caffeinated soft drinks, and energy drinks.

Certain herbal teas, like chamomile, are unsafe to consume while pregnant. The following teas should be avoided: labrador tea, sassafras, duck root, lobelia, stinging nettle, pennyroyal, coltsfoot, juniper berries, pennyroyal, buckthorn bark, comfrey, and senna leaves. Avoid kombucha tea as well. In moderation (two to three cups per day), other herbal teas like rose hip, ginger, and citrus peel are safe.

The meals you eat are only one aspect of healthy eating.
Being mindful of your eating habits is also important during pregnancy and can help you make healthier food choices. Take time to eat and limit distractions during mealtime. Meals and snacks should be planned. Include culture, food traditions and taste preferences as part of healthy eating.