A type of minimally invasive surgery is hysteroscopy. A tiny telescope (hysteroscope) is inserted into the uterus through the cervix by the surgeon. The surgeon can view the uterine cavity on a television monitor thanks to the hysteroscope. Next, the uterine cavity is examined for any anomalies. The surgeon checks for any indication of intrauterine pathology (fibroids or polyps) as well as the uterine lining and form. Additionally, the surgeon makes an effort to see the fallopian tube apertures (tubal ostia).
In order to examine the uterine lining and search for intrauterine pathology like fibroids or polyps that might be causing irregular or heavy monthly bleeding, many gynaecologists will utilise the hysteroscope. Women who are having trouble getting pregnant are also given a cavity exam. The following conditions are also candidates for hysteroscopy: